“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Gold 100 Gala, one of the most exclusive events happening in Maldives, where the elite among hundreds of companies are handpicked and awarded for their leadership, contribution and success.
2020 marks the consecutive fourth year of M7 Print receiving the distinguished award of being one of the top tier 100 companies operating in Maldives. We take a moment, to thank our customers, partners and most importantly our team for their continuous support to bringing us this far. Without your dedication and commitment, we won’t be able to achieve this height. We further highlight the support by our loyal clients, vendors and stakeholders. Thank you for having faith in us.

In what began with a single photocopy machine in 1995, under the leadership of its founder and Managing Director; Mr. Mohamed Abdul Sattar, the company has ventured into 25 years of service operating as one of the largest, technologically most advanced printing company in Maldives. From digital and offset to UV printing M7 Print have diversified its product range focusing on providing simplified printing solutions.
Gold 100 Gala, 2020 was held at Dharubaaruge on February 25th with M7 Print as one of the gold partners.